Let's Win This!
I'm standing to be the next County Councillor for Hoxne & Eye Division
Today I announce my candidacy to be the next County Councillor for Hoxne & Eye, and let it be made clear now that we have a difficult fight ahead. The government have already begun the process of turning its back on the promises made in the general election and declared an anathema on the hard-working people of this country.
The Green Party are in no position to speak either, as they grow more divided and more extreme month after month. Nationally, on key societal and cultural issues, the rural Greens of Suffolk could not be further from the urban elites in London or Bristol, or the radical activists in Birmingham or Leeds, and yet they remain silent and unwilling to speak up against pockets of anti-semitism, or the revolutionary anti-capitalist economic policies of the party leadership.
In Suffolk, we must lead the resistance to this affront, and I will make it a mission of mine, if elected, to be a loud voice for all in the towns and villages of Hoxne & Eye. Here, in our beautiful patch of England, we have some of the best food, views, and culture that the country has to offer, and as your County Councillor, I will do my utmost to conserve and champion the treasures of our area.
We must also acknowledge the things that need to change. We need better cross-border bus services into Norfolk, to places like Harleston and Diss. We need to work towards expanding our provision of local GPs and Dentists. We need to address the growing issues with the state of our roads, seeking solutions to heavy goods traffic in towns like Eye. And we need to do more to support our farming communities and the local environment, like cleaning up the River Waveney.
There is considerable progress to be made, as well as conserving our rural way of life, and if you elect me, I will be your voice within the Conservative administration on Suffolk County Council, giving you a seat at the decision-making table.
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